New Session

The Society resumed on Tuesday 18th August at 8.00pm after a well earned Summer break, and a very nice cheese and wine night was enjoyed by a very healthy turnout from the members. Next Tuesday, 25th, we will be casting Later Life (our November production). Hopefully, all the new members we had last night will return. Please email if you would like some more information regarding the next production, and if you are considering joining us, please feel free to come along.

Our 2016-17 Season

All being well, 2016-17 will be our first season performing in the studio space at 132 East High Street.

We want to make this frost season in our own home special and are well ahead with our plans.

It’s too early to release details of plays and dates but we can say it will be a season of Scottish plays that we think will show off our new space and our own talents.

More to come soon.