Social evening and Quiz Night

Our final meeting of the session will take the form of a social evening and quiz night and will be held on Tuesday 4th June in Studio 132 at 7:30pm.  Tea and coffee will be provided, however, if you want to being your own food, nibbles and drink then you will be very welcome.
It would be great to see as many as possible and all are welcome.
Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Society will  be held on Tuesday 3rd September in Studio 132 at 7.30pm.  All welcome.

Halcyon Days Success!

Our production of Halcyon Days by Deirdre Kinahan is now complete and turned out to be a huge success.  Near capacity audiences loved the show and many remarked on the standard of acting by both actors – Helen Shearer and Graham Hewitson as well as the wonderful set (see picture below) planned and constructed under the guidance of Douglas Watt.
The set for the show
We now look forward to a break over the summer before going again next session.

What’s next – Watch this space!


In the summer of 2020 the Society released, online, a series of one minute plays. You can find these on our Film Archive page.

In the run up to Christmas 2020, the society produced a radio version of Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol. This script was written by Dickens himself so he could perform it at various events as a one man show. Our version splits the characters between a number of actors and it will be made public once again in the run up to Christmas 2021.
Early in the New Year we worked on two radio scripts. the first, Lifeline, tells the story of how real life experiences can affect staff in a helpline call centre and the second, Mabel’s Day Off is an amusing fantasy adventure. If you missed either you can catch up with them here:


/>Mabels Day Off:

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